Brent is co-founder and Chief Evangelist at Facet Wealth, a fintech and financial life planning firm whose mission is to make high quality financial advice affordable and accessible to everyday Americans. As Chief Evangelist, Brent guides the vision of Facet’s financial life planning experience, ensures consistent brand messaging internally and in the industry, and acts as an ambassador for innovative next generation planning solutions and technology that will enable greater access.

Take away quote: “What if we could use technology to lower the cost of high-quality financial advice, so that more people in this country have access to it?”

Show Timeline:

05:07 What is Facet Wealth’s purpose?
09:56 A model for making client experience more affordable and accessible for individuals
12:47 Creating an ‘agile, iterative development experience’ that clients love
15:27 Using technology to lower cost while enhancing the experience
17:54 How to free up time to focus on what matters
21:58 How to find your ‘community’ and bring focus to your content strategy
28:46 Providing employee benefits support as a way to scale.
30:52 Asking for introductions over referrals and creating brand ambassadors



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Stephen Wershing:
Julie Littlechild:

Episode Transcript:

Steve Wershing: 
Welcome to Becoming Referable, the podcast that shows you how to become the kind of advisor people can’t stop talking about. I’m Steve Wershing. On this episode, we talk with Brent Weiss, co-founder and chief evangelist for Facet Wealth. The firm was created or the creation of the firm was stimulated by venture capitalists from the tech world, and so they have interesting perspectives on technology’s role in an advisory business. For example, where many advisors view technology as an expense, Weiss views technology as a way of lowering expenses, enabling them to serve smaller clients profitably. We discuss client acquisition efforts, and Brent describes a great way to help prospective clients find the content that you might be creating. Brent articulates one question that every advisor should ask their clients, and that will form the basis of all of your referral efforts moving forward. Toward the end, we talk about Facet’s most intriguing business development program, which is acquiring smaller clients from established advisors. We discuss how both firms benefit from that, but most importantly how the clients benefit from it as well. It’s an episode that’s rich in questions you can ask yourself that will lead you to higher profits and tips you can use for a more successful business. Let’s get to our conversation with Brent Weiss. Brent Weiss, welcome to the Becoming Referable podcast. Thanks for joining us.

Brent Weiss:
Steve, it’s an absolute pleasure and Julia as well, it’s an absolute pleasure to be here. I’m looking forward to the conversation today.

Steve Wershing: 
Let’s start off with this intriguing little thing. Your title is listed as chief evangelist. What exactly does a chief evangelist do?

Julie Littlechild:
That’s a big title. You have a lot to live up to.

Steve Wershing: 
I know. I don’t know if I could live up to associate evangelism.

[crosstalk 00:01:57]. That’s a big deal.

Brent Weiss:
I guess I was just looking for some way to achieve a C in front of my name here. Is there a chief planning officer? I mean, my background is as a financial planner. It’s the question I love to answer because most people in the financial services space aren’t familiar with what it is. It actually has its roots in the technology field coming out of Silicon Valley in terms of being an evangelist for new ideas and new technology. As a chief evangelist, there’s only three things that I do. Number one is, and I’ll break these down. Number one is sort of the keeper of the cause. Number two, as the spreader of the word. If you think about what evangelism is, you’re spreading some word, right? Spreading the good word, and the third thing is I am a champion for financial empowerment. If I high level break those down, keeper of the cause as a co-founder it’s near and dear to my heart that I make sure that we’re always staying true to our mission, vision and core values as an organization at Facet Wealth.

As a spreader of the word, one of my primary role is not only internal evangelism in terms of what we do, but external evangelism in the industry in terms of who is Facet Wealth, what are we doing, what are we provide from a planning perspective, what is this Fintech thing that we do? Then the final piece is just being a champion for financial empowerment. Prior to founding or being a co-founder of Facet, I ran a traditional wealth management firm and I’m just a firm believer in the amazing work that the competent, ethical high quality advisors do every day for the families they represent. I’m just a firm believer that everybody deserves access to this amazing thing called financial planning. That’s sort of chief evangelist in a nutshell, if you will.

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