John Jantsch is a marketing consultant, speaker and author of Duct Tape Marketing, Duct Tape Selling, The Commitment Engine and The Referral Engine, and the founder of the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network. John’s Duct Tape Marketing System has helped thousands of small businesses around the world implement his methodology and training into their marketing systems via a network of independent consultants.

Takeaway Quote:

“You’re helping clients achieve their life goals; give them the opportunity to help others!”

Show Timeline:

1:59 What it means to be more referable
Exceed clients’ expectations, but also provide great experiences
3:21 Creating a ‘wow’ experience vs. developing deeper relationships
Example of the value a firm delivers in clients’ lives beyond the ‘wow’ experience
6:12 Enhancing core services vs. expanding beyond them
How centers of influence can be among your best referral sources
8:03 Effective method of ‘asking’ for referrals
Plant the seeds for referrals in the sales conversation.
9:47 Overcoming resistance
The mindset and positioning needed to make this approach work
11:05 Components of the ‘referral engine’
Identify the moments of truth, review results, thank those who refer
13:48 Ways of rewarding clients who refer
Client recognition, special events and education, charitable donations
14:36 How to implement ‘try’ in financial services
Workshops, useful information and training, building trust
18:00 Referral campaign strategies without testimonials
Third party review sites (check with Compliance!)
19:37 Marketing, sales and service
Differentiate, then integrate. Marketing (know, like, trust), Sales (try, buy), Service (repeat, refer).
23:06 Current projects
Duct Tape Marketing – methodology for installing a marketing system
23:52 Things to get people talking about you
Understand your value proposition, mine strategic relationships, start talking about referrals







Books:  Duct Tape Marketing Revised and Updated: The World’s Most Practical Small Business Marketing Guide

The Referral Engine: Teaching Your Business to Market Itself

SEO for Growth: The Ultimate Guide for Marketers, Web Designers & Entrepreneurs

Duct Tape Selling: Think Like a Marketer-Sell Like a Superstar

The Commitment Engine: Making Work Worth It


Want more?

Stephen Wershing:

Julie Littlechild:


Episode Transcript:

[Audio Length: 00:29:14]

 Julie Littlechild:

Welcome to another episode of Becoming Referable. The podcast that helps you be the kind of advisor people can’t stop talking about. I’m Julie Littlechild, the Founder of

Steve Wershing:

I’m Steve Wershing. President of the Client Driven Practice. One of our goals at becoming referable is to bring you guests who can give expertise and perspective from outside of financial services, and get their advice that you may not hear from other industry experts on what you can do to make yourself more referable. Today, it’s my pleasure to talk with John Jantsch, who is a marketing consultant, speaker, and author of Duct Tape Marketing, Duct Tape Selling, the Commitment Engine, and the Referral Engine, and the Founder of the Duct Tape Marketing Consultant Network.

Julie Littlechild:

John shares some great ideas about what it means to be truly referable as a starting point. We believe that’s important and he does make that point very clearly. He also talks about how you can stand out among clients and among centers of influence. Perhaps what really struck me the most about what he had to share is that he talks about having a process. A process to uncover what clients think make you referable, a process to structure and leverage a network of experts to 10X your referral opportunities, and – this is an important one I think – a process to help you really understand your own value.

Steve Wershing:

One of the things I really enjoyed about this conversation was, because John works in so many different industries, he had a lot of ideas and a few strategies that varied significantly from what you and I would tell advisors to do and things we’ve observed working really well. I enjoy bringing it to all of our listeners and to let you sort out what you think is going to work for you. With that, let’s go to our conversation with John. Okay, John, welcome to the show. It’s really exciting for me to have you here today.

John Jantsch:

Thanks. It’s my pleasure.

Steve Wershing:

Let’s jump right into it, John. Like this show, you recommend that business owners attract more referrals by being more referable. Can you talk a little bit about what you mean by that?

John Jantsch:

Well, I mean, you think about it – when’s the last time that you went home and raved about a perfectly acceptable experience that you had? We need people to talk and share. I mean, that’s how people find things today. They’re neighbors, they go in a Facebook group. We have to do things that really exceed peoples’ expectations, that surprise them because that’s what gets people talking. We also have to have – in addition to having a great product or keeping our promises, we have to also have a great experience, too. I think most of us are wired to make referrals, but if somebody just does what they said they were going to do, unfortunately that’s sometimes exceeding expectations.

If somebody just says what they were going to do – I mean, the price was what they said, they delivered, the experience was great. If we connect at a much deeper level. We all have those companies that we just love doing business with them, we love talking about them. If you’re going to get people to refer you almost automatically, then you have to have a great product, wrapped with a remarkable experience as well.

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